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The Toronto Star should be better than this

On December 6th, the Toronto Star published an article, Defending human rights the goal of journalism, and in it they claim to fight for a world with equal rights and equal dignity, then it begs why they would then laud giving a voice to hate...

As Toronto transgender rights activist, Julie Berman, was violently murdered, the Toronto Star decided to give several shout-outs to Toronto librarian Vickery Bowles for allowing a platform for Meghan Murphy to continue to spread her transphobia and transmisogyny on a publicly-owned stage. That the Toronto Star would celebrate giving voice to hate truly, and honestly, surprises and saddens me.

I have to be honest, I thought the Toronto Star was better than that. The argument of free speech is specious at best, Murphy is indulging in something entirely different, celebrating allowing that is simply wrong.

p.s. I'm not linking the Star articles in question. There are two of them, simply search for Vickery Bowles on their site to discover them.


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