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Normal. It feels normal.

A question came up in my Discord server recently that, initially, I felt was very hard to answer and then I realized what it was: normal.

So, the question was "what does it feel like to no longer have that body part?" 

Initially, my response was that the question was really hard to answer, but then I thought about it more because, well, I hadn't actually thought about it. That, I think, is the point because it just feels normal for me to have a vulva/vagina. Like, it's right for me, how I was meant to be configured and so it feels normal.

In all honesty, I don't think I can really recall exactly what it felt like to have a penis anymore and it feels like that happened really rapidly. Like a lot of my past, these memories of an incongruous self have faded and it's hard to connect to them. Like when I see old photos and I am almost puzzled by the person in them. Who's that? Surely it can't be me.

It is me, of course, I don't have a lot of heartache about that, but I don't relate. Anyways, that's how I feel about my body these days, normal, and that's a damn fine thing indeed.


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